Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Classroom Transitions

Being mindful of a transitions from one subject area to another, or a group to individual work , or individual to whole group, or moving from one area to another not only maintains the tone in a productive room but also help to build relationships. As the relief teacher you build a much better picture of the personalities you are dealing with as well as the class dynamics. You be the judge of the age appropriateness for the suggestion. Here are a few that work across the ages and are often requested by classes when next I visit!

Well thought out transitions make the day productive and fun for everyone!


Each letter is worth its positional value i.e. a is 1, b is 2 etc. Transpose the spelling list into a series of addition sums. The word FLOWER becomes 6+12+15+23+5+18+19=x (98) Then have fun rewriting the spelling list through questions like this: Which words are odd numbers that are divisible by 3? Which word is 5 less than 103?


Huddles: This traditional party game that works so well in changing the pace. I refer to it as Huddles. Children stand as a group. Ask them to move to the music or move in an interesting way. Call stop. Announce the number of children that must form a group as quickly as possible. Watch the team work and friendship structures. Boys must work with girls in order to succeed. Younger children I just call a number. Don’t forget 1 for a bit of fun. Older classes love it when you mix it up with a call like “ Half of 10” or “Two thirds of 9” Children who get out are to start the next activity or use it to form the groups you require for the next activity.


ELEVEN-EES This game is as old as the hills and the children still love it as much as I did as a child. The class is best sitting in a circle. The idea is that we are going to count to 11. Whoever says 11 is out and must recommence their work at their desk. It would be too easy if we just counted by ones. You are allowed to say up to three numbers when it is your turn. In this way the game can be manipulated to deliberately get people out. More fun that way. Therefore here is an example of what the sequence could sound like……1,…..2,3,4…..5,6,……7…..8,9,……10…..ELEVEN (This child is out!) The seventh child in the sequence was out. A new game may go like this 1,2,3,……4,5,6,…..7,8,….9,10…..ELEVEN! (The fifth child in the sequence was out.)

Trust you use these practical ideas and of course think of loads more yourself.

There are more in the book I have complied "Relief Insight" if you would like to download it please see the side section in this blog.

Love to hear your ideas .....
Live, laugh and learn!

Blessings for the journey,

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