Thursday, March 25, 2010

Attention Please, Class!

A quarter of a century ago, the teacher only had to walk into the room, or appear on the veranda, for a hushed silence to fall over the class. I am afraid to say the challenge is a lot greater with today’s children. However, your presence as the authority figure is still just as important.

The calmed hush can still be achieved in today’s classroom. It will be generated on the basis of mutual respect not fear. Respect comes with a growing relationship and this is exactly where the challenge lies.

Each class will be a little different depending on the year level and management style of the class teacher. You cannot possibly effect change in one day. Time to think outside the square! Time to make it fun! Time to make it special just for today!

The following are a few suggestions that you may use your professional discretion as to which strategy is suitable for which year level. More ideas and strategies are found in my handbook.

These strategies come are fully developed in my "Relief Insight"workshops. The next workshop is being held in May on the north side of Brisbane, post my speaking engagement at Australian Catholic University. Feedback indicates that no matter what your teaching experience, participants felt very empowered by the practical nature of the workshop. If you are interested please leave a comment with your email address and I will be in contact.


S.A.L.A.M.I Magic instruction only known to the special class and you. It means STOP AND LOOK AT ME IMMEDIATELY. Only Year 4A know that! This becomes the strategy that takes the old FREEZE technique one step further. If you do use FREEZE, don’t forget to use THAW as the signal to continue as before.

RAIN SHOWER Nothing is as calming as the sound of falling rain. Try this idea on the younger ones when you are waiting calmly for the group to settle. Finger tips wiggling from head height to your waist to imitate the falling rain. Cross hands back and forth to represent the puddle and at the same time making the sound, shh, shh, shh! Continue until the class is settled. It is clever to link this with breathing in as the rain falls and out as you say shh. The extra oxygen in the system will help with added focus for the learner, or teacher, whoever needs it most!

This strategy not only gains attention, it consolidates the message as well as focuses the listening. Explain the game. You are looking for the clearest and most accurate echo. I would only call on volunteers to be the echo as it can be stressful for some children not being able to accurately recall the statement. Always call on three echoes. Allow the class to judge. Reward. The end result will be everyone listening to the information in order to participate.

COUNT DOWN TO SILENCE Use hand movements to physically demonstrate the countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. hush, hush! Repeat the countdown three times getting progressively softer and on the final fourth time only mime the sequence.

By this stage, all the children should be with you and if someone is not, it is usually a good shock technique that the whole classroom is silent and having fun and they are not part of the team. If you become very familiar with one class, this technique can become a secret sign outside the classroom. Today’s child is very visual and usually responds well to signs that convey meaning.

Have some fun with these and know we would all love to share some of your great strategies too.

Live,laugh and learn.....

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