Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Relief -Insight" Feedback

A great group of experienced supply teachers gathered together on the the 18th of October and took some time to share, laugh and reflect on everything from the challenges of the supply teacher to the inspirational strategies that can make the real difference between a good day and a great day! The collective wisdom was so evident as I listen as well as shared our teaching strategies and methods. I was so glad that we had made this learning opportunity happen.

The workshops I run are predominantly attended by graduate teachers who may find themselves working as a supply teacher while on the journey towards a full time position. While it all sounds so simple the practical reality of the supply teachers role can sometimes be " the straw that breaks the camel's back" for the fresh out of uni graduate! I am only too pleased to be able to share some of the "Tricks of the Trade" with my fellow colleagues.

Why the need for "tricks" you may ask? I believe the real difference lies in the lack of relationship you have with the group of children. This lack of relationship can lead to a breakdown in behaviour management, classroom organization and therefore quality teaching and learning opportunities are minimized. A supply teacher day can be very stressful!

It doesn't have to be! This workshop is testimony to that fact. It is amazing to listen and share quality teaching practice that spreads from Prep to Year 7. The diversity of skills and strategies that a proficient supply teacher must keep at their finger tips is startling.

All of us agreed to keep in touch and left feeling enriched by the learning and sharing of new ideas from every one's contributions. My workbook proved to be a good catalysts for other ideas and perhaps in future additions of the book I will be including more places for notes and inclusions. Finding professional learning opportunities that are specifically catering for the needs of the supply teacher can be a challenge. I am so pleased to be able to met this need it a way that is rewarding and practical in nature.

It is my hope to hold more of these opportunities for experienced supply teachers in the future. The next workshop to be held on the 27th of November will be predominantly for newly graduating teachers. This is not to the exclusion of the experienced teacher by any means. I just find the experienced teachers love to share and talk from their experience. I can lead the discussion to a deeper level when teachers are very familiar with the needs of the particular aged child. Therefore grouping the workshops based on teachers experience and needs does make sense. Just letting everyone know about the opportunity is the biggest challenge.

So please pass the word around if you know anyone who would benefit from the blog info or coming to the workshop. Word of mouth is not only the best way but also the most sincerest form of advertising. So a special thank you in advance. This is not a million dollar business just a genuine attempt to make a difference in the world of teaching.

Feedback from Jo on the day....."I am no longer an island where no-one wants to land. Thanks you for making me feel valued. " (Jo)

"Lots of fabulous ideas....allows one to think outside the circle....encourages you to explore and create other ideas. " (Debbie)

"Amazing wealth of ideas and beautifully organised and well presented resources. Loved the interactive presentation as we all had something to offer. " (Gail)

Thanks everyone I had a brilliant day too. This could be the start of something bigger! You are all such amazing teachers.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Teacher Professional Inservice Opportunity

There are two upcoming "Relief Insight" workshop opportunities coming up in October and November here in Brisbane. The first is on Monday 18th and specifically designed for experienced supply teachers. It is to be held during the day as all other staff will be involved with CTJ professional in service day in their area. It seems like a perfect opportunity to do some of our own collaborative sharing and peer learning.

The second opportunity is for graduates and those intending on trailing this career pathway. It will be held on Saturday the 27th of November at Chermside. I will attach the flier for this workshop next blog.

For now here is the opportunity PD this coming Monday the 18th of October. I am relying on school to inform relief teachers within this next week. It will interesting to see how well they do this as getting the message ou there to supply teachers is tricky as you all well know!

Relief Insight”presents….
Tricks of the Trade!
Relief/ Supply Teacher Workshop
Facilitated by: Carmel Kuhr (Dip of T, B.Ed)

Looking for professional development specifically designed for the amazing teaching professional called the relief teacher?
Want to add more reliable strategies to your relief teacher’s “Bag of tricks”
How to get better organized?
Want to be inspired by, as well as share your, behaviour management and organisational strategies that really deliver results?

There is little doubt that CTJ day, the 18th October, provides a reflective element to our professionalism as teachers. Relief teachers play an essential role in the smooth functioning of the schools learning environments and as such amass a great deal of skills dealing with a wide variety of children across the school that can sometimes be undervalued. While not directly involved in CTJ Day this year why not use the time to increase your own professional learning by taking part in this interactive and practical workshop? There will be time to share, learn from each other and reflect on the skills and knowledge that form an essential part of the relief teachers’ “toolbox”. Come along prepared to share your best strategies, learn from your colleagues and reflect on quality teaching practice.

VENUE: Our Lady of the Way Parish Centre, 38 Armstrong St, Petrie.
TIME: 8:30 am for 9 am start – 2:00pm finish
DATE: Monday 18th of October
MEAL: BYO lunch (Morning tea & tea/coffee available)

PROFESSIONAL HOURS: Four (Certificate supplied)
COST: $40 pp (includes comprehensive resource handbook)

RSVP: Essential ASAP. Please leave your name & contact details via email. Certain numbers are required to cover the associated costs and numbers will be limited by space. Thank you for your understanding in this regard.
I will confirm the workshop numbers and viability with a reply email on Friday, 15th of October.

Look forward to meeting you all for this opportunity of learning and sharing.
Live, laugh and learn on your journey….

Carmel Kuhr



Payment: Either cash on the day or direct deposit prior to the day. (Please email for specific details )
Parking in parish car park on the top of the hill in Armstrong Street.
Plenty of paper & pens for recording, perhaps a display book too!
Please come along prepared to show and share! (Laugh too!)
Topics will include: Starting and closing the day, organisational strategies, professionalism in the everyday, behaviour management strategies, attention strategies, rewarding students, management of groups when out and about, teaching strategies that cater for all learning styles, multipurpose learning tools.
The day is not so much about what to teach but how to develop quality teaching practice in this challenging but rewarding teaching role.
Please share this information with any other teaching professional who may benefit.
Really appreciate early RSVPs. Thank you so much.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Graduate Teacher's Meeting

Part 2:

1. What is it that the class teacher has that the poor old supply teacher (student teacher too) doesn’t have?

Relationship and knowledge of the learners in this class i.e. learning styles.

Keep thinking about that as I start the school day in year 5. After introducing myself, one of the first housekeeping matters that needs to be attended to, is marking the roll. (Change to online but you should still have a class list)

Good morning year 5 I am Mrs Kuhr and I am happy to be here today to see how well your class functions as a learning community. Use strategy "Excuses Excuses." (See Relief Insight Book page 11 ) Main purpose is to build relationship quickly, gain insight into class dynamics and establish your presence.

You never get a second chance to make a second impression!

2. Relief Insight."

When first commencing Relief teaching I thought about the skills required to do relief teaching ...Venn diagram explained. In 2006 when I was first invited to speak to the 4th years at ACU the students were so keen to hear more about this “land of relief teaching and the diversity of skills” that I developed a workshop called Relief Insight which does exactly the participant an insight, not what to teach, but how and why behind the tricks of the trade!

In a nutshell....

Relief Insight is a practical skill based workshop that is designed to empower you with strategies and concepts to work with all year levels in multi sensory and engaging way.

For all teachers....

Show Power Point 2 Quick look at the content. If you like what you see and hear in this short presentation please refer to you flier for more information about my workshops that offer the participant three hours of professional in-service. As you may appreciate I am first and foremost a classroom teacher and the workshops are not a business run venture. Your expression of interest is essential for the correct numbers to cover costs and then I am more than happy to share my professional experience. BLOG SITE TOO.

3. Earlier I challenged you to keep an open mind to this teaching role. Just like a class I can’t assume that you will keep focus in discussion only through auditory modality. So let’s do a PMI chart that could be written but can’t so lets make it all three ! Explain what is expected....

Advantages and Disadvantages: (Vote with your hand gesture as shown whether this is a positive, minus or a negative in your opinion)

· Flexible working days

· My own boss

· No holiday pay (Be aware there are ten weeks school holidays)

· Flexibility to have more than one income stream.

· No-little take home preparation.

· No staff meeting(ask for an invitation)

· No sick pay-leave

· Inside look at a school community and the school environment

· Miss Staff development days (Definitely ask for an invite...INTRANET)

· No curriculum planning (Actively look for a mentor)

· Higher casual rate of pay per hour

· Build up lots of professional contacts.

· Actively teaching all age ranges.

· Exposed to a variety ideas as presented in individual classrooms.

· Familiarization with a broad range of teaching resources/practices in schools.

6. The Five Bees (See earlier blog post)

7. Closing

Relief teaching is a wonderful experience of professional growth. You are in charge of your own learning journey. Every professional should have the chance to do this role. Most would decline...are all teachers control freaks!

Definitely not for wimps but most worthwhile things are like that! I would liken some days to being on the set of THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE!

Thank you and blessings on your teaching journey. It is not a job it is a calling.... all the best.

So this is how I finished the meeting.

It was half an hour in duration but when you are in front of a large audience it just flies. The other funny thing is that everyone is listening to you.....I mean really listening!

In a classroom you have so many distractions and interruptions to the flow of your teaching that I almost get the giggles and ask will someone please wriggle in their seat or call out so I feel more at home! Seriously, I trust I was able to convey the main message......

Life is not over if your don't get a full time job straight away!!!

Supply teaching has so many advantages to your teaching journey that it can't be dismissed. I understand the lack of full time income, however your ability to check out a school community from the inside before you choose to apply for a position to that school can be an advantage for both you and the school. Not every school is going to suit who you are a teaching professional. So follow the old advice and always look at the bright side of life and ...

Live, laugh and learn...


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Graduate Teachers (Independent Teachers' Union Meeting)

Recently I was invited to address a meeting of graduate teachers . As I looked around at all the eager faces I reflected how I felt at this same stage in my life journey. How I was so eager to hear anything that would support my understanding of what this brave new world of education was going to be like. However, the truth for this group is that not all would walk straight in to full time employment.

Yes, I know it would be a pretty bitter pill to swallow after all that blood ,sweat and tears that had gone into study! Unfortunately this is reality . However, it is not the only way to see the journey and for many reasons I really believe that some things that you thought would be so negative can turn out to be a real positive. This is exactly my message to people in regards to the benefits that relief /supply teaching can be to the young professional starting out on their career journey .The benefits come in a hidden but most interesting way if only you are prepared to work at this role in the same way you would in your first full time position. Today my objective was to "enlighten" the listeners to this possibility.......

Allow me to share the introduction of my lecture at the Independent Teachers' Union .....


My pleasure to be here today, to be part of your journey....your career journey.
The metaphor that life is a journey is one that everyone would agree with. However, I like the extended version......
"Life is a journey -not a destination!"

And while it is good to have an end to journey towards;
but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

Today I would like to congratulate you all on having clear goals about where you are journeying to in life. You are indeed a life traveller who has dedicated much time, research, preparation and effort in expectation for this amazing journey into the professional world of education. You have every right to feel pride in your achievements thus far on your chosen career path.
Like every good traveller, you are constantly checking on your travel plans and today’s conference will provide you with more important understandings. Unlike this image .......everyone’s path will be different and the way will not always be as you have planned it to be.

Life is like that! (Only on reflection can all the positives of an unforeseen diversion to the path you planned to take become evident.)

Image a traveller’s shock to be told at the last minute that the country of origin that he had been planning, dreaming and saving to live in was inaccessible at this current time and it is suggested that instead he visits a nearby country. Of course he is dismayed, outraged in fact! This was not part of the plans..... However as he calms and his emotions subside, he is drawn to the facts that the suggested “new” country has exactly the same political, social and cultural environments that he had been researching. (Why the occupants even speak the same language!) It is not that he can’t ever visit he desired country of choice, it is just that he is not able to gain full entry at this present time. There is only one condition he was not really mentally ready for....he will have to visit as a back packer! Not quite what was on his agenda but he prides himself on being a possibility thinker!

What if you were that traveller?

Would you open to the possibilities?

Would you have the personal and professional skills to look at things in a new way if the journey takes directions you were not planning?

I join you today as a backpacker of the teaching world...that’s right....a relief teacher, a supply teacher, a casual teacher or as the American’s say a substitute teacher. Originally, I did initially enter the wonderful world of education on a full time basis, taking on a number of administration roles throughout that time. As my life path twisted and turned I made adjustments that honoured my life’s journey’s priorities. Over the past ten years I have travelled through this land gaining more and more understandings into the complexities and diverse skills that are required to successfully fulfil this essential role in our schools today.

So over the remaining time, allow me to open your mind to the advantages this role may have to offer should your career journey take this path.

If not for yourself, then a better understanding into the respect the role deserves, when you are
in full management of a class and another professional assumes this role for you.
To be continued.....
Live, laugh and learn,
Blessings for the journey.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy World Teachers' Day!

I think this well know little reflection speaks for itself .
Please.....make a coffee and enjoy the read!
I believe we all need to live in moments. No matter full time or part time teaching we are all star polishers, all playing our part in the universe.
Thought for today: Make a Star Polisher's Journal.
In it you keep all those little notes, drawings, moments , letters from parents, photos and affirmations from the children whose life you have "polished" In the darker moments of when you are wondering why you are doing all this, has it been worth it?....reach for the book, open the book and remember......there is no greater calling than to the profession of teaching.
I love mine and I hope you do too!
The Star Polisher
I have a great job in the universe of occupations. What do I do? I'm a "star polisher."I have a very important job. If you want to know how important, just go out at night and look at the stars twinkling and sparkling.You see, I'm a teacher. The stars are the children in my class. My job is to take them in-- in whatever shape they come-- and shine and buff them and then send them out to take their places as bright little twinkling beacons in the sky.They come into my room in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they're bent, tarnished, dirty, crinkly and broken. Some stars are cuddly, soft and sweet. Some stars are prickly and thorny.As I buff, polish, train and teach my little stars, I tell them that the world cannot do without them. I tell them they can do anything they set their minds to do. I tell them they can be the brightest, shiniest stars in the sky and the world will be a better place because of them. Each night as I look at the sky, I'm reminded of my very important job and awesome responsibility. I go and get my soft buffing cloth and my bottle of polish in preparation for tomorrow and for my class of little stars.
~ Leah Becks ~
Happy World Teachers' Day
Live laugh and learn....