Thursday, October 17, 2013

Teaching isn't Rocket Science !

Teaching isn't Rocket Science - it's more complicated than that!

I love this saying which was first endorsed by Professor Richard Elmore. It flies in the wave of belief in general society that teaching is easy. This myth needs to be put to rest. There is nothing more complex than the human mind. Add the relief teaching twist and you now you are really humming! Teaching involves not only the science of teaching but the art of building complex relationships that establish trust and engender respect. How to do this in just one day that is complicated!

My name is Carmel Kuhr and for over a decade I devoted myself to being a professional relief teacher in order to balance my family needs and my professional integrity. In this time I continued to study and add to my skills. I made this choice after a career run in education of nearly 12 years. Long enough to know that with twins to start out family of three, I could never be the educator and parent I wanted to be at the same time. Plenty of you reading this would be coping beautifully, however with no immediate family around and a husband working often interstate it was more than tricky. At this time in my life I am not doing relief teaching ....what? I have been swept into full time roles in Inclusion teaching as well as coaching and training opportunities. I am also finishing my Masters.  My time doing relief work had prepared me for the diversity and collaboration skills required to do this role well. I love every minute of the learning and the deep respect I have for all the varying teaching styles I encountered. The encouragement from you and the university communities was enough to keep me continuing the relief Insight workshops. ( Although I am not very good at keeping this blog going due to the general busyness of life......oh and three teen sons may have a tad to do with it as well.)

From feedback generally you all go back to the old posts and enjoy these. I  am grateful for your ongoing support and would love you to show and share with anyone who may benefit that the next Brisbane workshop is Saturday the 23rd November, 2013. More to follow with next post.

The one thing I do believe is that stepping from being a new graduate into the harsh reality of the world of relief teaching is not for wimps! Personally I believe relief staff should be professionally affirmed as it is stressful and exhausting role. As a new graduate you certainly could not get a better grounding in the practical requirements of teaching, however you must actively look to daily self improvement and not be too harsh on yourself as you build your skills. The missing element of RELATIONSHIP make the role of relief teaching challenging in so many ways. I think every teacher should experience relief teaching if only just to realize how very challenging even the smallest things can be.

Relief Insight workshops are not about WHAT to teach, rather HOW to teach from the he management all year levels, the attention strategies, behaviour management and organizational techniques for inclusion, professional expectations of the role and practical tips to personal management. Seasoned teacher or fresh graduate, the feedback has always been the same. The audience values the practical strategies grounded in best practice that are transportable in the 21st century classrooms. If my work is being valued and making a difference I am only too pleased to continue.

Many thanks to all. The next post will have the final details for the November Brisbane workshop.

Live laugh and learn every day.


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