A great group of experienced supply teachers gathered together on the the 18th of October and took some time to share, laugh and reflect on everything from the challenges of the supply teacher to the inspirational strategies that can make the real difference between a good day and a great day! The collective wisdom was so evident as I listen as well as shared our teaching strategies and methods. I was so glad that we had made this learning opportunity happen.
The workshops I run are predominantly attended by graduate teachers who may find themselves working as a supply teacher while on the journey towards a full time position. While it all sounds so simple the practical reality of the supply teachers role can sometimes be " the straw that breaks the camel's back" for the fresh out of uni graduate! I am only too pleased to be able to share some of the "Tricks of the Trade" with my fellow colleagues.
Why the need for "tricks" you may ask? I believe the real difference lies in the lack of relationship you have with the group of children. This lack of relationship can lead to a breakdown in behaviour management, classroom organization and therefore quality teaching and learning opportunities are minimized. A supply teacher day can be very stressful!
It doesn't have to be! This workshop is testimony to that fact. It is amazing to listen and share quality teaching practice that spreads from Prep to Year 7. The diversity of skills and strategies that a proficient supply teacher must keep at their finger tips is startling.
All of us agreed to keep in touch and left feeling enriched by the learning and sharing of new ideas from every one's contributions. My workbook proved to be a good catalysts for other ideas and perhaps in future additions of the book I will be including more places for notes and inclusions. Finding professional learning opportunities that are specifically catering for the needs of the supply teacher can be a challenge. I am so pleased to be able to met this need it a way that is rewarding and practical in nature.
It is my hope to hold more of these opportunities for experienced supply teachers in the future. The next workshop to be held on the 27th of November will be predominantly for newly graduating teachers. This is not to the exclusion of the experienced teacher by any means. I just find the experienced teachers love to share and talk from their experience. I can lead the discussion to a deeper level when teachers are very familiar with the needs of the particular aged child. Therefore grouping the workshops based on teachers experience and needs does make sense. Just letting everyone know about the opportunity is the biggest challenge.
So please pass the word around if you know anyone who would benefit from the blog info or coming to the workshop. Word of mouth is not only the best way but also the most sincerest form of advertising. So a special thank you in advance. This is not a million dollar business just a genuine attempt to make a difference in the world of teaching.
Feedback from Jo on the day....."I am no longer an island where no-one wants to land. Thanks you for making me feel valued. " (Jo)
"Lots of fabulous ideas....allows one to think outside the circle....encourages you to explore and create other ideas. " (Debbie)
"Amazing wealth of ideas and beautifully organised and well presented resources. Loved the interactive presentation as we all had something to offer. " (Gail)
Thanks everyone I had a brilliant day too. This could be the start of something bigger! You are all such amazing teachers.
Relief-Insight: A teacher's "insight" into the teaching world of the Casual/Relief/Supply/Substitute Teacher. This collection of ideas,tips and management strategies has been born from the need to share professionally the teaching skills one requires to effectively and efficiently manage and engage today's primary school student.
About Me
- Carmel
- I treasure the twenty plus years teaching experience I have in Catholic Education in Australia both in the classroom and in teaching administration roles. During this time I have had the pleasure of working with all year levels in some capacity from Prep to Year 7. Due to family committments in 2001, I choose to commence relief/supply teaching as well as short term classroom contracts. I am passionate about the needs of the individual learner and I am continually building on my knowledge and skills through study and research. I am pleased to be able to share this knowledge bank with fellow teaching professionals.
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