Thursday, August 13, 2009

Workshop "Fun and Learning" (August 2009)

"Relief Insight" Workshop
What a great group of teachers gathered together for the August workshop! The energy in the room was wonderful. It is always my privilege to present in this situation and again I was humbled by the genuine feedback. As always the needs of the group were quite varied and somewhat difficult to meet every one's expectations perfectly. Those in the group who were already out there facing classes every day in the relief capacity would have liked time to openly share strategies. I will look into another opportunity to make this happen. For now the three hour workshop is action packed with information and ideas. Some of which make the best sense when you have time to reflect and "play" with them.
Here are some of the further suggestions:
" As a pre-service teacher I am thankful for your professional scaffolding." (Sean, 3rd year Uni)
"Enlightening- empowering....more of the same please! (Dianne, Supply teacher.)
"Fantastic content. It (the workshop) came well recommended and did not disappoint. Love the access to coffee! Would love to come back for open sharing time!" (Kathryn, teacher)
If you are reading this, live in the Brisbane area and would like to attend the next workshop, simply leave a comment with your return email address as an expression of interest. No obligation. I will email you when the next workshop can go ahead. I rely on the right number of people to cover the associated costs.
On the other hand, if you are reading this and do not live in the local area, please know that what you are reading throughout my blog is not dissimilar to my book and this is why I was encouraged to place the whole book on line for your downloading convenience.
One teacher shared at the workshop that she had prepurchased "Relief Insight" handbook nearly a year earlier and she always takes it with her everyday! She showed us all the highlighting and general use the book had received. I was so pleased to see evidence that I have produced a teaching tool that is of such practical use and support.
Blessings for your teaching journey.......
Live, laugh and learn!

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