Saturday, February 21, 2009

Relief-Insight is born! Teachers unite!

It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who first said,

" Unless you try something beyond what you have already mastered,

you will never grow."

No matter what your teaching experience, if you are reading this blog you are preparing to, or are currently, working in the distinctly unique area of the education profession known as relief, supply or substitute teaching.
Congratulations on being prepared to grow!

I, too, am prepared to grow ! This blog is testimony to my continual personal growth and many colleagues encouragement! For a few years now, I have been sharing my classroom strategies and ideas ,on a local level, in the form of a teachers' workshop fondly know as "Relief Insight". I also speak to graduate teachers on campus during their final year of university study. Many participants, whether they choose to pursue supply teaching, or gain full time employment, contribute such positive feed-back after these sessions that I have been prompted to start this blog as a way to be found on the world wide web!

It is, therefore, my intention to generate blogs that give you, the education professional "insight" into some of the key aspects of a relief/supply/sub teaching day. Just as growth takes courage, so too, can this form of teaching! Each new day you face a new set of children, a new year level, a new set of individual needs, a new classroom environment, and a new set of ground rules. The one essential element of relationship is missing in your early encounter of a new class group.

You never have a second chance to make a first impression.

Don't worry, there are many strategies to build this quickly and then the teaching and learning will follow....

There are already so many fantastic resources for lesson content. What you can learn from investigating my "Relief Insight" blog further will be:

  • Everyday organizational strategies for the P-7 classroom.

  • Practical behaviour management strategies that really work.

  • Ideas and tips for gaining and keeping attention and student focus in today's classroom.

  • Professional management idea when in the role of supply/relief/sub teaching.

  • Finally, teaching and learning strategies that engage today's learner!

My humble contributions can be like the glue that holds your teaching day together; the stategies that teachers develop over a life time of constant refinement and re-evaluation. As a fellow traveler in this life time of learning, it would be my hope that some of these strategies and sugggestions inspire you to move forward, doing more and being more, for the betterment and enrichment of the students in your care. I really look forward to learning together.

Live, learn & laugh....


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