Sunday, February 27, 2011

Welcome to the new year of 2011.

What a beginning to the new year we have had. Here is Brisbane we thought we had seen the worst of the weather and the best in human nature. Poor Christchurch saw Mother nature's fury on a whole other level. How our souls cry for their loss. Our actions speak louder than words in times like this!

So please forgive me, dear readers, as I have been otherwise occupied along with these major world events. No, my family was not directly impacted by the Brissie floods but extended family and support has been exhausting and time consuming. All the wheels of life had to still grind back into to gear and yes the new school year still sprang back into life. It is amazing what we can achieve in what is really is very little time when we all work together and share. I guess this is why I put my "Relief Insight" knowledge out there for you to share you can go and be more for the good of the next generation.

As for me 2011 is looking full of the usual challenges of life and life balances. I am really thrilled to doing a part time teacher librarian role as well as part time year 2 contract. This still allows me to run the Relief Insight workshops and speak at the universities as invited. The wonderful school that I call home this year also needs me to do relief work so I am never too far for the "front line. "

In closing, here is a bit of annual spring clean I do each start of the new school year...a bit late I know but better late than never!

My top ten tips......
  • Re-sort all my resources into class appropriate sections.
  • Cull any resources you really know you may never use!
  • File resources and add to my log of usefull ideas I have gathered throughout the year.
  • Set up an digitial file of interesting resources for each year level. (Good way to clear the paper clutter and always have a permanent record. I keep one USB for each year level to take to school with me for the just in case moments.)
  • Update my knowledge re current kids movies, music etc by reading latest D-Mag or the like. ( I only have to sneak a look at my youngest son's collection!!)
  • Up -date and refine great websites that you find really useful.
  • Re-fill the paper copies of the daily agenda and notes sheets you use to document your day's work for the class teacher.
  • Critically review my resources eg certificates etc and evaluate their worth.
  • Take time to reflect on the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY of your previous year. What did I learn? What will I do differently in the future? Seek answers to your questions otherwise you will be bound to repeat the past.
  • Set my professional goals, time frame and work towards achieving them. Seek out professional development that suits these end goals.

All the best for 2011.

Live,laugh and learn,


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