Thursday, October 7, 2010

Graduate Teachers (Independent Teachers' Union Meeting)

Recently I was invited to address a meeting of graduate teachers . As I looked around at all the eager faces I reflected how I felt at this same stage in my life journey. How I was so eager to hear anything that would support my understanding of what this brave new world of education was going to be like. However, the truth for this group is that not all would walk straight in to full time employment.

Yes, I know it would be a pretty bitter pill to swallow after all that blood ,sweat and tears that had gone into study! Unfortunately this is reality . However, it is not the only way to see the journey and for many reasons I really believe that some things that you thought would be so negative can turn out to be a real positive. This is exactly my message to people in regards to the benefits that relief /supply teaching can be to the young professional starting out on their career journey .The benefits come in a hidden but most interesting way if only you are prepared to work at this role in the same way you would in your first full time position. Today my objective was to "enlighten" the listeners to this possibility.......

Allow me to share the introduction of my lecture at the Independent Teachers' Union .....


My pleasure to be here today, to be part of your journey....your career journey.
The metaphor that life is a journey is one that everyone would agree with. However, I like the extended version......
"Life is a journey -not a destination!"

And while it is good to have an end to journey towards;
but it is the journey that matters, in the end.

Today I would like to congratulate you all on having clear goals about where you are journeying to in life. You are indeed a life traveller who has dedicated much time, research, preparation and effort in expectation for this amazing journey into the professional world of education. You have every right to feel pride in your achievements thus far on your chosen career path.
Like every good traveller, you are constantly checking on your travel plans and today’s conference will provide you with more important understandings. Unlike this image .......everyone’s path will be different and the way will not always be as you have planned it to be.

Life is like that! (Only on reflection can all the positives of an unforeseen diversion to the path you planned to take become evident.)

Image a traveller’s shock to be told at the last minute that the country of origin that he had been planning, dreaming and saving to live in was inaccessible at this current time and it is suggested that instead he visits a nearby country. Of course he is dismayed, outraged in fact! This was not part of the plans..... However as he calms and his emotions subside, he is drawn to the facts that the suggested “new” country has exactly the same political, social and cultural environments that he had been researching. (Why the occupants even speak the same language!) It is not that he can’t ever visit he desired country of choice, it is just that he is not able to gain full entry at this present time. There is only one condition he was not really mentally ready for....he will have to visit as a back packer! Not quite what was on his agenda but he prides himself on being a possibility thinker!

What if you were that traveller?

Would you open to the possibilities?

Would you have the personal and professional skills to look at things in a new way if the journey takes directions you were not planning?

I join you today as a backpacker of the teaching world...that’s right....a relief teacher, a supply teacher, a casual teacher or as the American’s say a substitute teacher. Originally, I did initially enter the wonderful world of education on a full time basis, taking on a number of administration roles throughout that time. As my life path twisted and turned I made adjustments that honoured my life’s journey’s priorities. Over the past ten years I have travelled through this land gaining more and more understandings into the complexities and diverse skills that are required to successfully fulfil this essential role in our schools today.

So over the remaining time, allow me to open your mind to the advantages this role may have to offer should your career journey take this path.

If not for yourself, then a better understanding into the respect the role deserves, when you are
in full management of a class and another professional assumes this role for you.
To be continued.....
Live, laugh and learn,
Blessings for the journey.

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