Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Be Professional..Leave a note!

Yesterday, my relief day was what I call, "Round the World." By this I mean that I was asked to relieve teachers in 40minute blocks so they could meet with a specialist teacher regards the term ahead. I literally worked with every teacher and year level in that one day. While the teaching focus was already preplanned by the class teacher, I needed to be able to adjust the the new age group and the learning very quickly so as to hold the attention and momentum of the day. This is what I would call the "Tricks of the Trade" as well a splash of profession experience!

I actually the challenge of the pace of the day! I also enjoy trying out new strategies that may enhance the learning environment especially when you don't know the children's names and learning styles.

However, yesterday the one thing that I received the most positive feedback about was the appreciation of a concise note detailing the work covered and any other information of note e.g students who had to attend another specialist lesson at the same time, parent collecting a child from the room and at what time, work that had been collected and students that require follow up to name a few examples.

This note was not just written on the back of a scrap piece of paper but presented professionally and placed with any other collected work on the desk. The affirmation of this system tells me that this is appreciated but it also sends a message that I respect my role in the smooth functioning of a school day and see my contribution as valuable. Teaching is all about being professional in all that we do and say.

Actions do speak louder than words though don't they!

Live, laugh and learn every day...

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