Thursday, October 8, 2009

Closing the Day

The final term of the school year is busy and filled with lots of addition activities. Finishing a school day calmly is very important for every one's sanity. Don’t run yourself out of time. Allow plenty of time for the tidy up and shut down. Outline expectations and turn the essential clean up-time into fun!

I always give children a signal that they are close to finishing time. This gives children a chance to make a last minute effort to complete or enjoy the task. When Clean Up is called there is no plead for “Just as Minute” and the cleaning process can start.

The Mystery Object : Sometime during the activity identify a mystery object. It might be the pot of glue, a red crayon, or a child’s hat. Whatever the object watch to see who deals with it correctly during the tidying up process. Announce the object and the winner! Reward.

Tidy up Telescope I get my magic telescope out for lots of reasons but mostly to see the best tidying up person and sometimes to see who is ready and waiting. I mime the holding of the telescope with my two hands and it is great to block out all other vision and focus on one child at a time.

Hope these tried and true ideas are helpful.

Live, laugh and learn......
Blessing for the journey.

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