Sunday, May 31, 2009

Classroom Management....Closing the Day

My Remembering Hand
This is a little technique that really works when you need to give information in sequential steps, reviewing a list of things to remember to take home or for the child to tell parents.
For many children, the development of their auditory sequential memory can be anywhere between two to seven instructions. This ability will be significantly challenged when the child is placed in a noisy classroom. Combining both instructions with a hand movement/sequence may assist in anchoring the instruction neurologically through movement and touch.
  1. Try to give each instruction clearly and simply.
  2. The class echoes your words and mirrors any hand movement. (Even if this as simple as touching the first finger with the first instruction, second finger second instruction. )
  3. Continue through the sequence.
  4. Review the instructions in reverse order using same words and actions.
  5. Try the review out of order, still using same words and actions.
  6. Suggest to the children that now they can use their remembering hand in the same method at home in order to remember the message. (It does work!)

This would be my favourite way of reviewing a day with a class. We all laugh when I tell them that when Mum & Dad ask what was the best thing you did doing the day, they are not allowed to say LUNCH! It is usually quite interesting to see how much you really did do in the school day and to review the activities in time sequence. This is a very valuable tool for the student to develop in later of reflection and review. Once the students have refreshed their memory of the day I often ask them to give me "a high five" as they file out the door and tell me their personal best thing for the day. The responses make for excellent reflection and evaluation for me as the teacher. The children love it too, as everyone gets to have a say!

Blessings for the journey,

Live,laugh and learn,



  1. I love you tips Carmel - they are sooooo practical - am going to tweet this......Cheers

  2. Thanks Sam. Happy to be sharing! There is plenty of theory out there but I have found just a couple of little practical tips can be so uplifting.
