Hi readers,
I can't believe it has been a year since I posted.
You probably have thought I have " fallen off the perch" but in fact I have been doing what you all are working hard at "making a difference."
As I work as a Support Teacher:Inclusion Education I have been completing a scholarship I was lucky enough to gain. I can proudly say I have finished a Grad Cert in Inclusion Education and feel wonderful...now! Full time work, three older teen sons and a hubby and study makes not a lot of time for anything other than work and study. The two year effort has paid off and after number three son gets through senior I will go on the complete my Masters in this field. It was really interesting and has tremendous benefits in this role in our Australian schools.
I would not be the professional I am today with all the inclusion knowledge without my relief teaching. You also have to know I had 15 years experience in classroom and leadership roles prior to children and relief/contract work. Now in this role I am amazed at the automatic differentiation I put into my relief work that worked so effectively for classes that I had no prior relationship with. I still deliver this message re relief and contract work to 4th year uni students when invited annually.
Even thought I am not practising these skills I am working daily at coaching teachers and modeling good pedagody with tricky student needs. The uni lecturers had asked me to please keep doing the workshops "Relief Insight" on a needs basis. I am happy to supply this service to support. The number of happy participants to this service is thanks enough.
I was ready to run another workshop on November the 22nd 2014, however, with min numbers and people finding Christmas a busy time I have to cancel this opportunity. The beginning of the new school year is very bust for me as I in a full time role so finding the right time is becoming problematic. I am genuinely sorry to the faithful band who wished to attend . Getting ready at this time of the year is the best thing you could be doing.
The only thing I can offer you in the ability to purchase my workshop book that is here online. For $25 you can have all my ideas in one contained book. Some lovely people tell me they call this there Bible bit extreme but cute! I am a Catholic school teacher! many people find getting hold of the book first is actually very helpful before coming to a workshop. My workshop is designed to bring the book alive! It is very practical and user friendly.
So while I wish I could support you one person at a time ....like to students and families I work with everyday.....I send this information to you in the hope this purchase will support your first attempts into the wonderfully enriching and excitng world of relief teaching .
Every blessing for the Christmas season and happy getting ready for a professional 2015.
Relief-Insight: A teacher's "insight" into the teaching world of the Casual/Relief/Supply/Substitute Teacher. This collection of ideas,tips and management strategies has been born from the need to share professionally the teaching skills one requires to effectively and efficiently manage and engage today's primary school student.
About Me
- Carmel
- I treasure the twenty plus years teaching experience I have in Catholic Education in Australia both in the classroom and in teaching administration roles. During this time I have had the pleasure of working with all year levels in some capacity from Prep to Year 7. Due to family committments in 2001, I choose to commence relief/supply teaching as well as short term classroom contracts. I am passionate about the needs of the individual learner and I am continually building on my knowledge and skills through study and research. I am pleased to be able to share this knowledge bank with fellow teaching professionals.