Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fabulous Workshop March 26th

I am always so impressed by the integrity and capabilities of the people who attend my workshops. It is always a pleasure to sharing and giving back to the profession I love. Meeting up with so many lovely colleagues all at different stages and points in their journey is both refreshing and humbling.

We are all life long learners and in Relief Insight workshops this fact is so apparent! While we have lots of fun and learning "unpacking" my workbook I am acutely aware that little time is left for sharing and questioning.

Time is both our enemy and our friend. Using it wisely in a professional world like teaching is one of the most challenging skills! However from the feedback that I have received both from this workshop and many previously it is time to extend the opportunity into MORE RELIEF INSIGHT!

At the moment I am thinking this will be run on a Saturday morning in the same way as the Relief Insight one is currently. However if the participant has already been through the first workshop we have a perfect opportunity to .....

1. Review how the strategies from the original workshop
have been working in the classroom,

2. Reflect: Reflect on shared strategies from the group that are willingly added to the pool of ideas. Develop a more strategies from the workbook on a "I see, I do, I understand" level.

3. Respond: By allowing much more time for Q&As and the sharing of experiences and your collected wisdom.

A workshop of this nature would also be run by the Professional Standards QCT and therefore additional PD hours for your registration needs. Last workshop I extended the hours by 30 minutes. It would appear that most people need to finishing by 12:30 with 1pm being the latest so 3 hours PD would be gained. Unfortunately evening hours are difficult as are full Saturday workshops draining on family and other working commitments. If you have any other suggestions please write and let me know. The Chermside rooms may be available on a Sunday?

What are your thoughts? I would LOVE to hear them.

Live,laugh and learn....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Starting the Day Right!

We all appreciate that knowing what comes before us is both reassuring and work efficient ; not only for us as the educator but also for the students. I am sure that there are some anxious students who breathe a sigh of relief when they see an agenda for the day....."She does know what she is doing! "

I also know that depending on the circumstances you may not know what is happening for the whole day due to a whole lot of reasons that are beyond your control. When this happens I just plan the time through to the next break with the children. This way we both have control over the pacing as well as the content that will be covered. It also gives you time to get organized after the next break!

Older children enjoy a vertical display of the sequence of the day on the whiteboard with or without times. I often plan this with the class, letting them know that this is the work expectation and asking if there is any other finishing work they would like time to work on or any other activity I have not included. This is their learning space and I am working with them to make it the best it can be for the day. This atmosphere of collaboration usually brings out leadership skills in the older children as you show them respect and in return you would like to be shown respect. This is also when I use the magnetic clock face. I often place a tick in the box as you finish that activity as a visual display of the day’s achievements too. It helps to keep everyone on task. I am sure they enjoy knowing what is coming up next as well as seeing what has been achieved for the day.

For younger children I record the day in simple pictures or words. A child colours the star beside the item as we work through the day . This can also act as a reward for a hard working child at the end of that activity to colour the star on the whiteboard. Little ones like the visual structure too.

So whether you do a vertical or a horizontal agenda it is easy to add any reminder notes into the visual representation of the time. I make constant use of a magnetic clock face I always carry too. I display the time that rotation or activity will finish. Children are able to cross compare the clock face on their classroom clock to the static clock face to know how much time is left. I also use the static clock face as a visual reminder to a child who may be anxious about an appointment time eg dental appointment is at 2:30pm. By putting the time on the clock face the child feels calmer and I am reminded of the appointment as well!

Sometimes all these little things add up to be big things that make your day run smoother and the children feel that atmosphere too. If you liked this tip please leave a comment or if you have some others to share please feel free to leave a comment also. Our profession is a sharing profession.

So live,laugh and learn,

Happy days.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Upcoming Workshop 26th March 2011

“Relief Insight”

Teacher Workshop for Primary School Teachers

Presented by: Carmel Kuhr (Dip of T, B.Ed)

  • Want to learn more about what it really means to be a relief teacher

in today’s school environment?

  • How to get started?
  • What to get organised?
  • Want to be inspired by behavior management and organisational strategies

that really deliver results?

No matter whether you are an experienced classroom teacher or student teacher, this workshop will give you an insight into establishing classroom strategies that build relationships and make the classroom environment a place of fun and learning.

Addresses QCT Standards :





















VENUE: Chermside Public Library, 375 Hamilton Rd, Chermside.

TIME: 8:45am for a 9:00am sharp start until 1pm


DATE: Saturday 26th March, 2011

COST: $40 pp (includes comprehensive resource handbook)

RSVP: Essential ASAP. Please leave your name & contact details via email. Accurate numbers essential for booking the venue. This is not a business but rather a service! Certain numbers are required to cover the associated costs.

I will confirm the workshop numbers and viability with a reply email on Wednesday before.

Mobile: 0409 034 189 (Carmel)



This invitation is open to all teaching professionals.